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Social Media

  • (1) NEDO uses "Facebook", "X (former Twitter)", "YouTube" and other external services on a trial basis for the purpose of providing information on its business and projects.
  • (2) Please note that in principle, NEDO will not reply to any opinions or questions posed on any of the service pages for the convenience of its operation scheme. Users who seek an answer are recommended to refer to Inquiry.
  • (3) Disclaimer
    Although close attention has been paid to the dissemination of information through each service and to ensuring operational security, NEDO makes no guarantees about the safety of use or the reliability of the information on the Website as it is impossible to completely eliminate mistakes in such information and content and risks such as falsification by third parties. NEDO and its employees expressly disclaim any responsibility for any damages suffered by users as a result of using such information.
    In addition, NEDO and its employees expressly disclaim any responsibility for any damages suffered by users as a result of using any information provided by any other institution or organization to which the contents of the Website link.
  • (4) Change and Discontinuation
    NEDO may change the contents and form of the services and suspend or discontinue all or any part of the functions thereof without notice.
    NEDO and its employees expressly disclaim any responsibility for the abovementioned measures.


NEDO agrees on the rules of use of the SNS Facebook and disseminates information from the following Facebook page.

Name: NEDO 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
Linked URL: https://www.facebook.com/nedo.fb
Contents: Latest information on NEDO projects, achievements, events, etc.
Department in charge of management: Public Relations Department

X (former Twitter)

NEDO agrees on the rules of use of the SNS X and disseminates information from the following X page.

Name: @nedo_info
Linked URL: https://x.com/nedo_info
Contents: Latest information on NEDO news releases, public call for proposals, events, etc.
Department in charge of management: Public Relations Department


NEDO agrees on the rules of use of Youtube and disseminates information from the following Youtube page.

Name: NEDO Channel
Linked URL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd4OTUB8A9PIdNs-vxF5t8g/search?query=english
Contents: NEDO related videos
Department in charge of management: Public Relations Department
Name: NEDO PR Channel
Linked URL: https://www.youtube.com/@NEDOPRChannel/
Contents: NEDO related videos
Department in charge of management: Public Relations Department

Last Updated : August 9, 2024