Part 1Ministerial Speeches
Ministerial Speeches
* Speaker's names will be announced sooner it is confirmed.
H.E Arifin TASRIFMinister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Republic of Indonesia
Arifin Tasrif is an Indonesian executive who is the current Minister for Energy & Mineral Resources in Joko Widodo's Developed Indonesia Cabinet. Previously, he was assigned as Indonesia’s Ambassador to Japan in 2017 until October 2019.
Minister Tasrif has broad experience in fertilizer industry. Prior to his assignment as Ambassador, he held position as Chief Executive Officer in three different state-owned companies in the fertilizer industry, namely PT. Pupuk Indonesia, PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and also PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Minister Arifin studied chemical engineering at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and graduated in 1977.
Mr. Brad CRABTREEAssistant Secretary for Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, Department of Energy(DOE),
United States of America
Mr. Brad Crabtree is the Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), where he leads and directs FECM's research and development programs and oversees the Office of Petroleum Reserves.
Mr. Crabtree brings nearly three decades of experience in energy and climate policy to his role as Assistant Secretary. Prior to coming to DOE, he served as Vice President for Carbon Management at the Great Plains Institute (GPI), where he cofounded and directed the Carbon Capture Coalition, which works to advance carbon management technologies to meet climate goals, create high-wage jobs, and support domestic energy and industrial production.
At GPI, Mr. Crabtree also helped launch the bipartisan State Carbon Capture Work Group to foster deployment of carbon capture and CO2 transport infrastructure, and he led GPI’s efforts to establish the Industrial Innovation Initiative aimed at decarbonizing key industries. Additionally, he co-directed Powering the Plains, a project that crafted a comprehensive 50-year regional blueprint for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and carbon capture.
Mr. Crabtree previously coordinated energy policy advisory groups for the Midwestern Governors Association and facilitated the Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord Advisory Group for six governors and the premier of Manitoba. He has also led multiple overseas delegations of U.S. policymakers and private sector leaders to examine other countries’ policies and experience in carbon management and renewable energy technology.
A North Dakota native, Mr. Crabtree is a graduate of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service and has an MA in history from Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Timur GÜLHead, Energy Technology Policy Division
International Energy Agency (IEA)
Timur Gül is head of the Energy Technology Policy Division (ETP) at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris. The team is responsible for the analysis of the current state and future prospects of a range of clean energy technologies across different energy sectors. Prior to his current assignment, he was a lead author of the World Energy Outlook, the IEA’s flagship publication, and coordinated energy modelling work related to future energy demand. Before his time at the IEA, Timur Gül was a researcher at Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.
Timur Gül holds a PhD from the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH) Zurich in Switzerland. In addition, he holds a Master degree in Environmental Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, and a Diploma in Environmental Engineering from Stuttgart University, Germany.
Prof. NISHIMURA HidetoshiPresident
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
- MA, Yale University
- Bachelor, Department of Law, The University of Tokyo
Previous Positions
- June 2015 -
- President, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
- June 2008 - June 2015
- Executive Director, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
- April, 2007 - July 2008
- Special Assistant to the Chairman on ERIA Matters, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
- December, 2006 - June, 2007
- Executive Managing Director,
The Japan China Business Alliance for Energy Saving and Environmental Protection (Joint Appointment)
- September, 2003 - June, 2007
- President
Japan China North-East Development Association (Joint Appointment)
- August, 2002 - June, 2007
- Executive Managing Director, Japan-China Economic Association
Executive Managing Director, Japan China Long-Term Trade Committee(Joint Appointment)
- July, 2002 - August, 2002
- Executive Advisor, Japan-China Economic Association
- July, 2001 - July, 2002
- Director-General for Business Support Department,
Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI
- June, 1998 - July, 2001
- Vice Governor for International Affairs
Ehime Prefecture (Local Government)
- July, 1997 - June, 1998
- Director for Asia and Pacific Division
Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
- June, 1996 - July, 1997
- Director for Basic Chemical Products Division
Basic Industry Bureau, MITI
- March,1995 - June1996
- MITI Representative of CLM Working Group under AEM-MITI,
- June, 1993 - June 1996
- Asia Pacific Representative of Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC Bangkok)
- April, 1991 - June 1993
- General Manager, Japan Regional Development Corporation
- May, 1989 - April, 1991
- Special Assistant to Director General
Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI
Director, Information Policy Planning Division,
Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI (Joint Appointment)
Director, R&D Oriented Enterprises Office
Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, MITI (Joint Appointment)
- May, 1987 - May, 1989
- Director, Funding Division, Japan Key Technology Center
- September, 1984 – May, 1987
- Deputy Director, Europe-Africa-Middle East Division, Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
- June, 1984 - September, 1984
- Deputy Director, Environmental Protection Policy Division
Industrial Location and Environmental Protection Bureau, MITI
- April, 1976 -
- Entered Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI, later METI)
Other Positions
Visiting Professor of Waseda University (Japan), Darma Persada University (Indonesia)
Honorary Professor of Guangxi University (China)
Fellow of Musashino Institute for Global Affairs, Musashino University (Japan).
Dr. Zeid Mohammed Al-GhareebHead of Circular carbon economy program
Ministry of Energy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Zeid Al-Ghareeb is the General Manager of Hydrogen and Circular Carbon Economy at the Ministry of Energy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is responsible for overseeing the Kingdom’s ambitious program to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2060 through the adoption of the Circular Carbon Economy framework.
Previously, Dr. Al-Ghareeb was the head of Reservoir Management at Saudi Aramco mandated to set strategies and implement sustainable solutions for over 20 fields.
Dr. Al-Ghareeb is the recipient of multiple awards including $150,000 from MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), Dr. Mikio Shoji for innovation, SPE Young Member Service Award, and Saudi Aramco Excellence Award.
Dr. Al-Ghareeb holds a Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, a Master’s in Energy Resources Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D in Environmental Engineering and Computational Science from MIT.
Mr. Frank Des RosiersAssistant Deputy Minister for Natural Resources Canada
Frank Des Rosiers was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy and Innovation in 2019. Prior to this, Frank was ADM, Innovation and Energy Technology at NRCan. He also served as General Director, Tax Policy at Finance Canada and as Assistant Secretary, Priorities and Planning at the Treasury Board Secretariat. Frank worked as Director General, Strategic Policy Branch at NRCan from 2003-07 and at the Privy Council Office (Intergovernmental Affairs at) as Chief of Staff to the Deputy Minister and Director, Economic and Fiscal Analysis.
Frank holds a BA in Economics from Université Laval, an MA in Economics from Université de Montréal and a Masters of Public Administration from Harvard University (Fulbright Scholar).
Mr. YUZAKI HidehikoGovernor of Hiroshima Prefecture
- April 1990
- Ministry of International Trade and Industry
- March 2000
- Founder and Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd.
- December 2000
- Executive Vice President & Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd.
- November 29, 2009
- Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture
- March 1990
- Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law.
- June 1995
- Stanford University, Master of Business Administration
Mr. FUKUDA NobuoChairperson,
Carbon Recycling Fund Institute (CRF)
- March 1981
- Bachelor of science, The university of Tokyo
Professional career
- April 1981
- joined Mitsubishi chemical Co.
- October 1989
- Deputy Manager, Terephthalic Acid Department, Matsuyama plant
- April 1995
- Terephthalic Acid Department
- April 1998
- Director Technical, MCC PTA INDIA Corporation Private Ltd.
- October 2000
- Deputy General Manager, Terephthalic Acid Department
- May 2005
- Managing Director, Ningbo Mitsubishi Chemical Co., Ltd
- November 2010
- General Manager, Utility Coordination Department
- April 2012
- General Manager, Kurosaki Plant
- June 2012
- Executive Officer and General Manager, Kurosaki Plant
- April 2014
- Executive Officer, Chemical Derivative Division
- March 2017
- Member of the Board, Deputy Chief Executive Officer,
Mitsubishi Chemical Logistics Corporation
- April 2017
- President & Chief Executive Officer
Mitsubishi Chemical Logistics Corporation
- April 2019
- Representative Member of the Board, Managing Executive Officer
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
- July 2022
- Representative Corporate Executive Officer, Executive vice president chief Supply Chain Officer
Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation
Representative Director of the Board
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Part 2Panel Discussions
[Theme A] Investment/Start-up
Mr. KUSUMI KoPresident & CEO
Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.
- March 1989
- Graduated from Keio University ,Faculty of Law
- December 2014
- Kyoto University Innovation Capital
- April 2013
- Kyoto University
- March 2006
- (current)SMBC Venture Capital
- April 1989
- (current)Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.
Kyoto University Innovation Capital(Kyoto iCAP)is the subsidiary of Kyoto University, and invests to the start-up companies which use progressive researches of Kyoto University including carbon recycling technologies. With a background in finance field, Kusumi assumed the executive officer of Kyoto iCAP in 2014, and CEO in 2020. Through investment, he approaches to accelerate the social implementation of advanced technologies.
Algal Bio Co., Ltd.
Amane previously led investment and management of "Food and Agriculture" and "Wellness" at Mitsui & Co., Ltd., one of the largest Japanese investment firms. While he was stationed in the United States, he gained a lot of experience in global food tech venture investment and was involved as an observer at the board of directors of Beyond Meat, an alternative protein start-up company. He joined Algal Bio Co.,Ltd as COO in 2020, and became CEO in 2021. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Commerce.
Russell Hill, Ph.D.Chief Executive Officer
Solidia Technologies®
Innovation, R&D and construction materials expert Russell Hill, Ph.D., serves as Chief Executive Officer of Solidia Technologies®, a leading provider of decarbonization technologies and sustainable solutions to the construction and building materials industries.
Based in Piscataway, N.J., Solidia’s patented processes start with an energy-saving cement that reduces CO2 emissions at the kiln and that utilizes carbon in the curing process to produce concrete. Together, the technologies improve manufacturing and produce higher-performing products while reducing their carbon footprint and lowering the consumption of fresh water.
Hill joined Solidia in 2021 to advance Solidia’s R&D and commercialization roadmap quickly, not only to deliver immediate value to customers, but also to tap the vital potential of the global construction industry to scale solutions that benefit society both economically and environmentally.
He came to Solidia after 25 years with international construction materials and building products leader, Boral. Most recently, as Group Chief Innovation Officer, he established a comprehensive innovation strategy with a global vision for the future, with broad initiatives spanning R&D, new product development, venture investments, digital advancements, customer experience, and advanced manufacturing improvements. In 2012, he led the discovery, development, and incubation of a new, green product category that opened new market segments and geography to Boral.
With a doctorate in chemistry from the University of North Texas, Hill’s areas of expertise and interests include coal combustion products, cement and fly ash chemistry, concrete technology and durability, geopolymers, mineral fillers, activated carbon, chemical admixtures, and polyurethane composites. He is named inventor on 56 patents, consisting of over 20 distinct families. He is a member of the American Concrete Institute, ASTM, the American Chemical Society, and Alpha Chi Sigma.
Nordic Electrofuel
CEO in Nordic Blue Crude since February 2016.
Have successfully developed the company and successfully funded it with Seed capital. Have negotiated and secured important contracts together with his team, which includes off-take, utilities, CO2 supply, long term renewable Power, Oxygen deliveries / distribution.
Have built up the organization with a very high qualified management team.
Brought the company through Basic Engineering and ready for construction funding
Background and synopsis:
Corporate and investment finance professional with 31 years of Investment banking experience. Very extensive experience from fundraising and M & A Activity. Leading and participating in huge amount of Placements
Previously top rated and high profiled Investment analyst both domestically and internationally.
Has shown high entrepreneurship through founding and developing an Investment Bank from 2 to 50 employees and going from NOK0 to NOK80 in Revenues in five years.
Co-founder of two investments banks and CEO of both. Have advised many companies which under his guidance have grown to large companies. Have in all jobs been a significant contributor for the Companies where he worked.
Co-Founder of Norge Mining PLC a company which has reported one of largest mineral discoveries in the world in the recent years. Previous CEO of Norwegian subsidiary Norge Mineraler and boardmember of Norge Mining PLC.
Senior Advisor in ProCorp AS. I have led and participated in many different projects including fundraising, divestments, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions. CFO part time in NPME which successfully secured and divested Norwegian Mining licenses.
Founder (50 % owner), and CEO of CAR ASA. CAR started as an independent research and advisory company. The company excelled through an impressive return on recommended shares and portfolios. CAR achieved research ratings well ahead of bigger and more established Investment banks. Developed the company to a fully licensed brokerage firm. CAR succeeded well in Corporate Finance activities with over NOK50m in CF revenues in 2007. CAR progressed from 2 persons to 55 and from 0 to 80 million NOK in revenues in 2007 and a net profit of 12 million NOK.
Senior Analyst in Fearnley Securities. Responsible for oil, oilservice and mining. Rated in Reuters European Small Cap Survey and Norwegian rating both for oil companies and oilservice. Participated in a
Senior Analyst in Credit Agricole Indosuez Cheuvreux, based in London. Achieved no 3 rating both in 1998 and 1999 in Extel for research on Norwegian market being the sole analyst in the bank on this market and beating houses having 10 or more analyst on the same task. I also obtained high ratings in Reuters Small cap surveys. Secured participation for the company in several major international placements.
Head of Research in Handelsbanken Markets Norway. Achieved high national ratings. Secured and carried out several large CF assignments and was lead analyst in many placements. I was voted the best presenter of all analysts in the bank at the Handelsbanken Academy.
Managing Partner i R.S. Platou Securities. One of the founders of the company. Established the company and lifted it to a serious player with a 3 % market share within one year.
Head of Research in BB Fonds, Bergen Banks Investment Bank (now merged to DnBMarkets). The research group I built up was rated the best in Norway.
Other assignments
Co-Founder and board member Norge Mining. Long time Board member Ph Media ( since 2001.
Have conducted many speeches at seminars and participated in panel debates. This has been at a wide range of different industry events within CCUS, E-fuels and Industry gatherings and seminars. Furthermore, speaker at conferences for different organizations such as NHO (the Norwegian Employers Organization, the Norwegian Investor Relations association, the Norwegian association for Investment research analysts, the Norwegian share owner’s organization, the Student organization at Norwegian School of management (BI), the Norwegian Institute for Public Accountants and Oslo Stock Exchange.
Part 2Panel Discussions
[Theme B] R&D, HR Development, and Issue Identification
Prof. FUJIKAWA ShigenoriDistinguished Professor
Kyushu University, International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research
FUJIKAWA Shigenori is a chemist, especially focusing on nanomaterial chemistry. He received Ph.D. in Chemistry from Kyushu University, Japan in 1999. He worked as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University. From 2000, he joined RIKEN, which is Japan's largest comprehensive research institution focusing on fundamental sciences in Japan, and he has led research teams till 2012. Then, after serving as Associate Professor at the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University, he has been in his current position since 2021; Distinguished Professor at Kyushu University since 2021.
His research interests include nanomaterial chemistry, surface nanoscience, and membrane science. Currently, he is mainly working on carbon dioxide capture directly from the air using nanometer-thick membranes. He is also the project manager of the Moonshot R&D Program, a national project in Japan, and is conducting researched on the development of carbon dioxide recycling system for "Beyond-Zero" emissions.
Mr. HATANAKA NorioAssociate Director Senior General Manager, LNG & Engineering Department
LNG, Power & Engineering Business Unit
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
Date of Birth : September 11, 1968
- March 1992
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- March 1994
- Master of Mechanical Engineering,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- May 2003
- Master of Business Administration Carnegie Mellon University
Professional Experience
- April 1994
- Joined Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. Engineering Department
- July 2003
- Technology Planning Department
- August 2005
- Planning Department
- October 2011
- Energy Resources and International Business Development Department
- April 2012
- General Manager Energy Infrastructure Development Team 1,
Energy Resources and International Business Development
- April 2015
- General Manager Energy Infrastructure Development Team 2,
Energy Resources and International Business Development Department
- April 2016
- General Manager Business Strategy Team, Planning Dept.,
LNG Terminal & Power Generation Business Unit
- April 2018
- Senior General Manager Corporate Planning Unit, Osaka Gas Engineering Co., Ltd.
(100% subsidiary of Osaka Gas)
- April 2020
- Senior General Manager Corporate Planning Unit, Daigas Gas and Power Solutions Co., Ltd.
(100% subsidiary of Osaka Gas)
- April 2021
- Senior General Manager LNG & Engineering Department
- April 2022
- Associate Director Senior General Manager
LNG & Engineering Department
Ms. Sophia HAMBLIN WANGChief Operating Officer (COO)
MCi Carbon Pty Ltd
Sophia Hamblin Wang is a circular economy expert, speaker, diversity advocate, and Chief Operating Officer of MCi Carbon (MCi), an Australian technology platform transforming CO2 emissions into building materials and other valuable industrial products. Sophia is a World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leader, and a member of the Asia 21 Young Leaders Network Class of 2022 by the Asia Society.
Sophia grew up in Far North Queensland and completed a Bachelor of International Business with First Class Honours at the ANU College of Business and Economics. Showcasing MCi’s technology at the Australia Pavilion at COP26, Sophia won 1st Place in the Net Zero Technology Centre Pitch Battle in Glasgow. Sophia is co-founding Director of CO2 Value Australia, is a member of the Australian Capital Territory Climate Change Council and a board member of the Climate Ready Initiative. Sophia is a Lecturer at the University of Sydney Business School and was awarded Resource Innovator of the Year at the New Materials Summit in Berlin in 2018.
Sophia has been featured in ABC TV’s Q&A, The New York Times, Time Magazine, TEDx, The Australian’s Top 100 Green Power and was a delegate at the WEF Annual Meeting 2020, WEF Pioneers of Change Summit 2021 and the UN Youth Climate Summit in New York 2019. Sophia was also an Australian Delegate to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in India in 2017.
Sophia is a Global Shaper Alumni, has an Australian Red Cross long-service medal and was awarded an Order of Australia Student Citizenship Award for work in aged care, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion.
Prof. Dr. Jan MERTENSChief Scientific Officer (CSO)
Jan Mertens is ENGIE’s Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) co-building ENGIE’s long term vision on technologies, identifying key international research players on selected emerging technologies and initiating partnerships. He holds a PhD in Environmental engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2006). After various research positions in Belgium and New-Zealand, Jan joined the environmental team of Laborelec, ENGIE in 2008. He was responsible for the research program on emerging energy technologies as well as on carbon capture and valorisation. In March 2016, he joined ENGIE corporate research department and was in charge of technology watch on new emerging technologies until November 2018 when taking up the position of CSO.
His main research topics are related to life cycle assessment, emissions monitoring, Carbon Capture, Carbon use, Water footprinting and he holds over 60 international peer reviewed publications. Since 2019, Jan is also part-time Professor at the University of Ghent in the domain of sustainable energy.
Dr. OKADA YoshimiFellow, Frontier Business Division
Chiyoda Corporation
Yoshimi Okada entered Chiyoda Corporation in 1986. He worked at R&D center and started the development of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) system from 2002 and succeeded novel dehydrogenation catalyst for methylcyclohexane (MCH). Chiyoda established the technology as SPERA HydrogenTM system through the completion of an international hydrogen supply chain project in which hydrogen was transported from Brunei Darussalam to Kawasaki, Japan in 2020 and the system moved to commercialization phase.
He is also a visiting professor of Yokohama National University and a board member of Hydrogen Energy System Society of Japan.
Part 2Panel Discussions
[Theme C] Carbon Recycling/ CCUS R&D and demonstration base
Mr. SAKAMOTO ToshiyukiBoard Member, Director
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Mr. Sakamoto worked for policy planning and implementation on energy, climate change and industry competitiveness for 30 years at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or METI, the Japanese Government. After leaving the METI, he engaged in renewable and hydrogen energy businesses at two private companies, and thereafter was appointed to the current position in June 2020.
Academic Background
- The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US
Master of Business Administration, 1993
- The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan April 1980 - March 1986
Master of Engineering, 1986 (majored in civil engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering, 1984 (majored in civil engineering)
Professional Career
- June 2020
- Board Member, Director, the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan or IEEJ
- May 2018
- Government Relations Manager, AIR LIQUIDE Japan Ltd.
- October 2016
- Executive Advisor, Maeda Corporation
- June 2016
- Retired from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or METI
- June 2013
- Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy
- July 2010
- Director, Division for Paper Industry and Recreational Goods Industry
- July 2008
- Director, Energy Efficiency Division
- August 2006
- Senior Strategic Advisor, DTI (Dept. of Trade and Industry), the UK Government
- May 2003
- Director, Global Environmental Affairs Office
- April 1986
- Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry or MITI
Dr. YOSHIDA JunichiDirector, Project Manager, Environment Department
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Dr. YOSHIDA Junichi is a Director of Environment Department of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). He also serves as the Project Manager for the Carbon Recycling RD&D Base project and the IGCC/IGFC demonstration project. Since 2005, he has been engaged in management and support of a number of national technology development projects at NEDO and the Cabinet Office of Japan. From 2014 to 2018, he was based in the USA as the Deputy Representative of NEDO’s Washington DC Office.
Dr. Yoshida earned a Ph.D. from Kumamoto University and a master's degree in science from Kyushu University.
Mr. Frank MORTONDirector Technology Development
National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC)
Frank Morton currently serves as Consulting Engineer for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Carbon Capture Center, after more than 40 years of experience as a chemical engineer in both industrial and research roles. He is currently responsible for bringing university, government, research and industrial organizations to the center for collaborative technology development. This role includes identifying technology developers and coordinating agreement among the developer, the U.S. Department of Energy and National Carbon Capture Center industrial partners on contracts, funding and test plans.
Morton has evaluated projects with more than 100 organizations involved in carbon capture research and development and has established collaborative testing agreements with more than 40 organizations from eight countries. The international collabortion includes establishment of test facilities, execution of test programs and technology scale-up. Morton has extensive carbon capture technology development experience in Japan, China, India, UAE, Oman, Australia, South Korea, UK, Norway, Mexico and Canada.
Prof. Jon GIBBINSHead of Partnerships of the Translational Energy Research Centre Professor of CCS at the University of Sheffield Director of the UK CCS Research Centre (UKCCSRC).
the Translational Energy Research Centre (TERC)
Jon Gibbins is Professor of CCS at the University of Sheffield, director of the UK CCS Research Centre and Head of Partnerships of the Translational Energy Research Centre. He has worked on energy engineering, fuel conversion and CCS for 45 years, initially in industry and then as a university academic. Since 2002 Jon has been heavily involved in CCS activities, working on post-combustion capture and its effective integration and, through the UKCCSRC, helping to start now-mainstream UK initiatives on industrial decarbonisation (2012) and CCS clusters (2016). His personal research activities now centre around practical aspects of CCS deployment, with an emphasis on policy and economic requirements plus detailed analysis of matching capture plant designs to market conditions, supported in particular by the facilities at the Translational Energy Research Centre in Sheffield.