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Intensive Support Program for Young Promising Researchers

Project overview

Project period: FY2020 to FY2029 (planned), budget: 1.91 billion yen (FY2024)

The purpose of this project is (1) to discover young researchers*2 who belong to universities and other research institutions*1 engaged in creative basic or applied research toward practical application with purposes and (2) to promote the formation of joint research and other activities*3 between young researchers and private companies, thereby fostering human resources who will lead next-generation innovation and contributing to the creation of new industries in Japan.

  • *1. Universities and other research institutions:
    National and public research institutes, national and public university corporations, Inter-University Research Institutes, public universities, private universities, colleges of technology, national research and development corporations, independent administrative institutions, local independent administrative institutions, and similar institutions
  • *2. Young Researchers:
    Principal investigators (researchers enrolled in universities and other research institutions, who have a doctoral degree and are under 45 years old as of April 1 of the fiscal year in which the grant project begins)
    Registered researchers (researchers or students enrolled in universities and other research institutions, who have obtained a doctoral degree or who are recognized by the head of their department, etc., as having research and development capabilities as of April 1 of the fiscal year in which the grant project begins, and who are under 45 years of age).
  • *3. Joint Research and Others:
    Joint research, funded research, technical guidance, research internships for postdoctoral students, and cross-appointment programs with private companies registered in Japan (whose main technological development and decision-making base for their business activities is located in Japan) as part of their efforts toward practical application.
  • Business Overview Chart

Research and Development

(1) Joint Research Phase

This program nurtures young researchers who are affiliated with universities and other research institutions that conduct creative basic or applied research for practical application with purposes on the condition that (1) they conclude a joint research agreement with a private company, and (2) the private company pays the cost of the joint research to the universities and other research institutions.
The grant will be awarded to the universities and other research institutions to which the young researcher belongs.

(2) Matching Support Phase

Matching support will be provided to create opportunities for joint and other research between a private company and young researchers affiliated with universities and other research institutions who are conducting creative basic or applied research with purporses that the industry expects.
Projects that are adopted as eligible will be subsidized.
The grant will be awarded to the university or other institutions to which the young researcher belongs.

(3) Joint Research Phase (Supporting Type of Problem Solving for Startups)

This program supports young researchers of universities and other research institutions who conduct initial joint research with research and development start-ups (hereinafter referred to as "start-ups") by utilizing their research capabilities so that it helps young researchers to solve technical issues that start-ups face in business promotion and new business creation.
The grant will be awarded to the universities and other research institutions to which the young researcher belongs.
The amount of joint research and other expenses from startups is optional.

Business Overview

In recent years, many private companies in industry have shifted to applied research, which is easier to produce results in the short term compared to basic research due to increased investment risks and other factors. While at the same time, there is strong concern that the weakening of basic research, which is the foundation of various fields, will make it impossible to respond to disruptive market changes and international competition brought about by the accelerated technological progress that is currently underway. For this reason, there are many expectations for universities and other research institutions to enhance basic research, and in particular, the need to foster and utilize young researchers who will lead the next generation. However, the environment for young researchers to conduct research and development autonomously is far from adequate, and the ratio of research funding to universities to the total research expenditures of private companies in Japan remains low compared to other major countries, making it difficult to say that industry is fully utilizing university function and resources.
The purpose of this project is to discover young researchers*2 belonging to universities and other research institutions*1 engaged in creative basic or applied research toward practical application with purposes and to promote the formation of joint research and others*3 between young researchers and private companies, thereby fostering human resources who will lead next-generation innovation, and contributing to the creation of new industries in Japan.

Stage gate screening (Available only in Japanese)

Matching support phase midterm evaluation (Available only in Japanese)

Joint research phase midterm evaluation (Available only in Japanese)

Ex-post evaluation (Available only in Japanese)

Working Items

(1) Joint Research Phase

This program nurtures young researchers who are affiliated with universities and other research institutions that conduct creative basic or applied research for practical application with purposes on the condition that (1) they conclude a joint research agreement with a private company, and (2) the private company pays the cost of the joint research to the universities and other research institutions.
The grant will be awarded to the universities and other research institutions to which the young researcher belongs.

Overview chart showing the flow of the joint research phase and the relationship between each organization

(2) Matching Support Phase

Matching support will be provided to create opportunities for joint and other research between a private company and young researchers affiliated with universities and other research institutions who are conducting creative basic or applied research with purporses that the industry expects.
Projects that are adopted as eligible will be subsidized.
The grant will be awarded to the university or other institutions to which the young researcher belongs.

Overview chart showing the flow of the matching support phase and the relationship between each organization

別ウィンドウで開きますIndustry-university collaboration platform for young researchers (Available only in Japanese)

(3) Joint Research Phase (Supporting Type of Problem Solving for Startups)

This program supports young researchers of universities and other research institutions who conduct initial joint research with research and development start-ups (hereinafter referred to as "start-ups") by utilizing their research capabilities so that it helps young researchers to solve technical issues that start-ups face in business promotion and new business creation.
The grant will be awarded to the universities and other research institutions to which the young researcher belongs.
The amount of joint research and other expenses from startups is optional.

Overview chart showing the flow of the joint research phase (Startup issue resolution support type) and the relationship between each organization

Basic Information

Technology field Cross-sectoral proposal-based activities
Industry-academia collaboration and human resource development
Project code P20004
Department in charge Frontier Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5245)

Last Updated : September 25, 2024