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Realization of Advanced Air Mobility (ReAMo) Project

Project overview

Project period: FY2022 to FY2026; budget: 3.04 billion yen (FY2024)

Drones and Advanced Air Mobilities (AAMs) are expected to provide unrestricted mobility of goods and people using less energy and without human intervention. To achieve this, their safety must be guaranteed while also establishing efficient flight operations. They also become more automated and autonomous, allowing a single pilot to control them. This is expected to lead to their applications in diverse fields.

This project conduct important R&D project to realize AAM ecosystem. This project will be carried out for the development of performance evaluation methods, and low-altitude traffic management technologies among drones, AAMs (eVTOLs) and conventional aircrafts.

  • Image of advanced Air Mobility (ReAMo) Project
    Realization of Advanced Air Mobility (ReAMo) Project

Research and Development

R&D Item 1: Development of Performance Evaluation Methods

  • (1) Development of performance evaluation methods for drones/UAS (by consignment)
  • (2) Development of performance evaluation methods for AAMs (by consignment)
  • (3) Development of conformity certificate methods for multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot (by consignment)
  • (4) Development of fundamental technologies for aircraft/systems to enable multiple drones operations controlled by a single pilot (by subsidization)

R&D Item 2: Development of Traffic Management Technology

Study and R&D of the safer and more efficient flights among drone, advanced air mobility, and conventional aircraft

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Basic information

Technical field
  • Robots and artificial intelligence
Project code P22002
Department in charge
  • Aerospace Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5256)

Last Updated : September 25, 2024