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Development of Technologies for Carbon Recycling and Next-Generation Thermal Power Generation

Project overview

Project period: FY2016 to FY2026, budget: 18.1 billion yen (FY2024)

The project is working on innovative next-generation thermal power generation technologies, including power generation technologies using CO2-free fuels (biomass, ammonia, etc.) that will contribute to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and load-fluctuation-compatible power generation technologies to stabilize the grid when large amounts of renewable energy. NEDO is also promoting the development of technologies to separate and recover emitted CO2 at low cost and carbon recycling technologies that use such CO2 as a resource. Through these technological developments, NEDO aims to realize a carbon-neutral society.

  • Photo of Hekinan Thermal Power Station operated by JERA Co., Inc.
    Hekinan Thermal Power Station operated by JERA Co., Inc.
  • Photo of R&D and Demonstration Base for Carbon Recycling
    R&D and Demonstration Base for Carbon Recycling

(1) Demonstration of integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle

In order to significantly reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power generation, NEDO will develop gasification technology for biomass fuel blending and gas turbine element technology to cope with load fluctuations in CO2 separation and recovery facilities as part of technology development for CO2 separation and recovery coal gasification fuel cells combined cycle power generation.

Brief diagram representing the contents of the text in (1)
Brief diagram of demonstration of integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle

(2) R&D and demonstrations on technologies for ammonia co-firing thermal power generation

With the aim of establishing technology to use ammonia as a fuel for thermal power generation, NEDO will carry out various studies for the initial introduction of fuel ammonia into thermal power generation, develop elemental technologies for co-firing ammonia with coal, and conduct demonstration studies of ammonia co-firing technology at commercial coal-fired power generation facilities.

Photos of ammonia-mixed burner and boiler
Image of ammonia-mixed burner and boiler
(Courtesy of IHI Corporation)

(3)Development of thermal power generation load fluctuation response technologies

NEDO is developing technologies for gas turbine combined cycle power generation that are highly mobile to support the instantaneous and continuous decline in power generation due to the mass introduction of renewable energy sources and to improve efficiency at low loads. For coal-fired power generation (steam power generation), NEDO is also working on the development of maintenance technologies such as failure prediction and life prediction for excessive load-fluctuation operation, as well as minimum load reduction.

Brief diagram representing the text in (3)
Image of Electricity Supply and Demand
(Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Toward the Massive Introduction of Renewable Energies: 'Grid Constraint' Issues and Countermeasures")

(4) Development of a polygeneration system for capturing CO2

NEDO will conduct the development of a polygeneration system for capturing CO2 using biomass and waste as feedstock, which is characterized by the separation and recovery of CO2 as well as the co-production of electricity and valuable resources such as chemical substances. This system will reduce CO2 emissions and the cost of recovered CO2 through the economic benefits of valuable resources.

Brief diagram representing the text in (4)
Brief diagram of development of basic technology for a polygeneration system
utilizing various fuels for capturing CO2

(5) Promotion of measures to reduce environmental impacts associated with coal utilization

In order to reduce the environmental impact of coal use, NEDO will develop technologies to expand and reduce the use of combustion ash from coal and other materials. In addition, it will develop technologies to clarify the causes of natural heat generation in coal and compile knowledge on guidelines for coal management.

Short fibers for reinforcing concrete made from coal ash and magnified image of its long fibers
Short fibers for reinforcing concrete made from coal ash and magnified image of its long fibers
(Courtesy of Nippon Fiber Corporation KK)

(6)R&D of CO2 separation/capture technologies

For CO2 separation and recovery technologies, it is important to select the appropriate technologies according to the CO2 emission source and the CO2 user. NEDO will conduct research and development on the practical application of solid absorption and membrane separation methods, which are expected to save energy and reduce costs, including separation material development, process studies, and demonstration tests.

Photo of CO2 solid absorber plant
CO2 solid absorber plant
(Courtesy of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

(7) Development of technologies for CO2 Utilization at the R&D and demonstration base

IIn order to realize early commercialization of carbon recycling technology that effectively utilizes CO2 as a resource, the R&D and Demonstration Base for Carbon Recycling will be established in the Osaki Power Plant of Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. on Osaki Kamijima, where various carbon recycling technologies will be researched and developed.

Photo of Common Use Building and Research Building in R&D and Demonstration Base for Carbon Recycling
Common Use Building (Right) and Research Building (Left)

(8) Development of Technologies for CO2 Reduction and Utilization

Based on the Carbon Recycling Roadmap, NEDO will conduct research and development related to technologies for synthesizing chemicals, liquid fuels, and gaseous fuels from CO2 and for immobilizing CO2 into concrete, cement, carbonate, carbon, and carbides in order to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, NEDO will conduct research on the economic efficiency and CO2 reduction effects of next-generation thermal power plants that will reduce the environmental burden.

Overview of Carbon Recycling
Carbon Recycling
(Source: Compiled by NEDO based on the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry's "Carbon Recycling Technology Roadmap")

Basic information

Technical field
  • Clean coal
Project code P16002
Department in charge
  • Circular Economy Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5293)

Last Updated : September 25, 2024