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Development of Integrated Core Technologies for Next-Generation AI and Robots

Project overview

Project period: FY2018 to FY2023,budget: 1.09 billion yen (FY2023)

This project involves the conduct of research, development, and demonstration to reduce the time required for the deployment of artificial intelligence technologies to 1/10th of the current situation in the focused areas of productivity and mobility, for which early social implementation of artificial intelligence technologies is required. This project is also aimed to establish common base technologies to enlarge the application fields of artificial intelligence technologies. This project promotes these themes with agile development methods to accelerate social implementation of AI to capture new markets. Improved productivity brought about by the deployment of artificial intelligence technologies is expected to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission.

  • Project overview
    Project overview

Description of Research and Development

This project involves the conduct of research, development, and demonstration of 15 research and development theme sunder two research and development items to reduce the time required for the deployment of artificial intelligence technologies to 1/10th of the current situation in the focused areas of productivity and mobility, for which the early social implementation of artificial intelligence technologies is required. This project is also aimed to establish common base technologies to enlarge the application fields of artificial intelligence technologies. This project promotes these themes with agile development methods to accelerate social implementation of AI to capture new markets.

R&D item 1:

Conduct agile research, development and demonstration for the implementation of (1) business analysis, identification of issues and data collection/accumulation/processing, (2) development and application of artificial intelligence modules, (3) demonstration in actual fields and (4) establishment of an evaluation system and feedback on the development/application of new artificial intelligence technologies using productivity, spatial movements and other issues targeting priority areas.

R&D item 2:

Conduct development of "technologies to accelerate the deployment of artificial intelligence technologies" that involve business inventory, analysis and improved efficiency related to the deployment of artificial intelligence; "artificial intelligence technologies that assist the generation of hypotheses" to realize a management simulation system that can identify the relationship between objective variables and generate/evaluate/propose advanced hypotheses; and "artificial intelligence technologies supporting work-related decision-making" that automatically identify problems and points to improve and support non-expert judgments by systematizing tacit knowledge on manufacturing technology information and modeling skilled engineer decisions.

In addition, NEDO will hold a contest with a prize system, utilizing the OSS (open source software) developed with "Technology for Accelerating the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Technology" and the data and models obtained from this project. NEDO will also conduct research projects to expand the results of this project, expand the population of engineers, improve technical capabilities, and promote the discovery and development of new ideas and human resources.

Project Manager

photo of project manager

Project Leader

HIGUCHI Tomoyuki (Professor of the Department of Data Science for Business Innovation, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University)
HORI Koichi (Executive Director, National Institutes for the Humanities)​

Basic information

Technical field
  • Artificial Intelligence
Project code P18002
Department in charge
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5241)

Last Updated : December 19, 2024