Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Phase 2: Automated Driving for Universal Services
Project overview
PD:KUZUMAKI Seigo (Company Fellow, Advanced R&D and Engineering Management Division, Toyota Motor Corporation)
There are high hopes for the change in society that the realization of automated driving will bring about. This project is intended to ensure that industry, academia and government work together to promote the research and development of automated driving technology in the areas of cooperation, validate the technology through field operational tests and other activities, and plan how to use it in society with an aim to reduce traffic accidents and traffic congestion and resolve social issues such as securing mobility in underpopulated areas, alleviating driver shortages concerning logistics and transportation services for the realization of Society 5.0. NEDO supports the entire project as an administrative organization.
Description of Research and Development
In this project, research and development in the areas of cooperation are promoted in the following four fields.
I. Development and evaluation of automated driving systems (FOTs: Field Operational Tests)
Build the driving environment required for automated driving including the road transportation infrastructure in the Tokyo waterfront area and local areas. Industry, academia and government will conduct field operational tests together to verify the technological specifications of infrastructure and examine continuous local profitability with the help of local residents, local governments, and other parties.
II. Development of core technology for the practical use of automated driving
Conduct fundamental research and development including the use of geographical data in the automated driving field, creation and distribution of transportation environment information, safety assessment technology in virtual space, detection of external threats and actions against them to ensure cybersecurity, and consideration of the optimum communication method for each automated driving use case.
III. Fostering the public acceptance of automated driving
To spread automated driving, clarify the value and issues, distribute information for correct public understanding, and measure the effects of the distribution of that information. In addition, assess the social and economic impact of automated driving and conduct studies to solve social issues such as reduction in traffic accidents and support for people with limited mobility.
IV. Strengthening international collaboration
Promote insight sharing, joint research, and human interaction with other countries where automated driving is being studied and the environment for practical application is being established including Germany and the EU to ensure industrial competitiveness and gain a leading position in international standards in the above three fields.
Website on automated driving: SIP-adus
Project Overview
Basic information
Technical field |
Project code | P18012 |
Department in charge |
Last Updated : May 31, 2022