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Program for Supporting Technology-Based Startups with Establishment of Management and Human Resources

Project overview

Project period: FY2023 to 2027, budget: 3.23 billion yen (FY2024)

This program promotes the creating and fostering of research and development startups based on superior technologies of Japanese enterprises, universities, research institutions, etc., by fostering "potential entrepreneurs" who have specific technology seeds and ideas for utilizing these technology seeds under the supervision of commercialization support personnel and by providing research and development support for the commercialization of research and development-based startups.
In addition, by monitoring the activities of potential entrepreneurs as appropriate, NEDO will accumulate knowledge that will contribute to the development of human resources related to entrepreneurs. In addition, NEDO will discover human resources interested in starting their own business or participating in the management of a startup and match them with technology seeds from universities and university-developed startups.

  • Explanatory image of the schematic diagram for supporting technology-based startups with the establishment of management and human resources.
  • Schematic Diagram of Program for Supporting Technology-Based Startups with Establishment of Management and Human Resources

Details of Support

This program will be carried out under the following two implementation items.

Implementation Item 1: NEDO Entrepreneurs Program (NEP*)

In the pioneering course, NEDO will discover and foster outstanding human resources for the commercialization of technology seeds, targeting individuals and teams belonging to research institutes with specific technology seeds, individuals and teams who have their own specific technology seeds before starting a business, or individuals and teams who can utilize the technology seeds of others.
In the Breakthrough Course, NEDO will foster entrepreneurs by targeting individuals and teams or companies that are engaged in activities to commercialize specific technology seeds on the premise of starting their own businesses.
By implementing the above two courses, NEDO will foster and support talented individuals who can commercialize and promote outstanding technology seeds in the field of deep technology and potential entrepreneurs of research and development startups.

*Summary of NEP: Deep Tech Talent Discovery and Entrepreneurship Development Program

  • Explanatory image of the schematic diagram of the NEP Pioneering Course
    NEP Pioneering Course Schematic Diagram
  • Explanatory image of the schematic diagram of the NEP Breakthrough Course
    NEP Breakthrough Course Schematic Diagram

Implementation Item 2: Management Personnel Matching Program (MPM*)

NEDO will identify human resources willing to start their businesses or participate in managing startups and match them with university technology seeds and university-launched startups, targeting VCs, etc., who are engaged in matching university technology seeds and university-launched startups.

*Summary of MPM: Support Program for Securing Management Talent in University Startups

  • Explanatory image of the MPM schematic diagram
    MPM Schematic Diagram

Program Summary Materials

This is a one-page summary of each enterprise's program contents. It is created at the start of the program and updated at the end of the program.

Basic information

Technical field Cross-sectoral proposal-based programs
Project code P23007
Department in charge Startup Support Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5173)

Last Updated : July 3, 2024