Fifth Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting held
October 11, 2022
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Translation of Japanese NEDO news release posted on Oct. 7, 2022
The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) held the Fifth Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting, in cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), as a part of Tokyo GX week, on September 26, 2022.
As the result of the meeting, the chair released the chair’s summary for acceleration and enlargement of the Tokyo Statement and the Global Action Agenda, including additional goals on the amount of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen to be produced by 2030 of at least 90Mt H2.
*Archive will be available on Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting website
1. Outline
- Date & time: September 26, 2022, 8:00 to 17:00
- Venue: Hotel New Otani Tokyo
- Program:
- 1. Ministerial Meeting Session (Closed Session)
- 2. Ministerial Speech Session
- 3. Industrial Session
- Theme 1 Water Electrolysis
- Theme 2 Hydrogen Industrial Applications (Steel, Heat and Chemicals)
- Theme 3 Methodology for determining the GHG emissions associated with the production of hydrogen
Fifteen ministers, a total of thirty countries, regions, and international organizations participated in the meeting, including participation through video speeches.
As the result of the meeting, the chair released the chair’s summary for acceleration and enlargement of the Tokyo Statement*1 and the Global Action Agenda*2, including “additional goals related to the amount of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen to be produced by 2030 of at least 90Mt H2,” “the importance of hydrogen for energy security and climate change,” “the need to increase the number of countries and regions that are newly interested in hydrogen,” “the importance of providing appropriate support to promote the utilization of hydrogen according to the situation in each country,” “the ramping up of global renewable and low-carbon hydrogen value chains,” and “the collaboration on technologies and coordination on harmonization of regulation, codes and standards,” etc.
- *1 Tokyo Statement
- Formulated as the chair's summary at the First Hydrogen Ministerial Meeting in 2018 which confirmed the value of collaborating on the following agenda to accelerate progress in hydrogen technologies, contributing to a “Hydrogen-powered Society”.
- 1.Collaboration on Technologies and Coordination on Harmonization of Regulation, Code and Standards
- 2.Promotion of Information Sharing, International Joint Research and Development Emphasizing Hydrogen Safety and Infrastructure Supply Chain
- 3.Study and Evaluation of Hydrogen’s Potential across Sectors Including its Potential for Reducing both CO2 Emissions and Other Pollutants
- 4.Communication, Education and Outreach
- *2 Global Action Agenda
- Formulated as the Chairman's Summary at the 2nd Hydrogen Ministerial Meeting in 2019 which includes the Global Action Agenda from the Tokyo Statement to guide actions for hydrogen research, development, demonstration, and deployment to achieve the scale up of hydrogen in the future, including global aspirational goals of 10-10-10: 10 million hydrogen fuel cell systems, 10 thousand Hydrogen Refueling Stations in 10 years.
2. For more information, please contact:
NEDO Smart Community and Energy Systems Department