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Strategic Planning and Management Department

Profile of NEDO cover image
Annual Report cover image

Technology and Innovation Strategy Center

Technology Strategy Center cover image

Project Management Department

NEDO Success Stories cover image

Legal Department

To All Those Engaged in NEDO Projects cover image

International Projects Department

ICEF 2023 Report cover image

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Department

Projects in the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Fields 2022 cover image

Renewable Energy Department

NEDO offshore wind energy progress Edition II cover image
Introduction of the Demonstrative Project on Grid-Interconnection of Clustered Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems cover image
Demonstrative Research on Clustered PV Systems cover image
Introduction requirements and technical guidelines on self-sustaining local biomass energy systems (digest Version) cover image

Semiconductor and Information Infrastructure Department

Profile of IoT Promotion Department (FY2023) cover image

Circular Economy Department

NEDO's Environmental Technology Activities in 2021 cover image
R&D of In Vitro and In Silico Alternatives to Animal Testing under the Strategic R&D of Chemical Risk Analysis Technologies by NEDO, Japan cover image
Fluorinated Reduction Technologies 2014 ―Toward the Prevention of Global Warming― cover image

Green Innovation Fund Projects

Green Innovation Fund Projects cover image

Last Updated : July 1, 2024