Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Second Phase/Big-Data and AI-Enabled Cyberspace Technologies

Building a New Intellectual Social Infrastructure to Realize Society 5.0
A system mutually linking cyberspace and physical space is needed to realize Society 5.0; however, various elements for development and other issues still remain. Among cyberspace platform technologies, this project particularly establishes highly-sophisticated human interaction platform technology, technology for cross-sectional data federation, and AI based automatic negotiation platform technology which contribute to human-AI collaboration and conducts social implementation of a cyber-physical system utilizing big data and AI.
Content of the research
In order to conduct the social implementation of cyber-physical systems which realizes Society 5.0 with highly integrated cyberspace and physical space, in this project, human interaction platform technology, technology for cross-sectional data federation, and AI-based automatic negotiation platform technology that support/enhance human cognition capabilities through human-AI collaboration will be developed as big data and AI-enabled platform technologies.
The developed platform will attempt to accelerate the creation of new business models that utilize big data and AI by conducting data collection; prototyping; technology verification/evaluation at multiple sites in areas in which Japan has high-quality, physical space information and in areas that have social issues to be resolved in Japan; verification of the effectiveness of these platform technologies; and creation of multiple practical applications, while taking into account the three key areas indicated in the Industrialization Roadmap in Artificial Intelligence Technology Strategy, namely, productivity; healthcare, medical care, and long-term care; and mobility.
Specifically, the following research and development domains will be conducted.
(1) Human Interaction Platform Technology
This platform technology development aims for social implementation of AI, expansion, and training systems of highly skilled personnel that contribute to the improvement of productivity in Japan, and for training services that utilize these systems.
(1-1) Cognitive Interaction Support Technology
To realize a world in which humans and AI are highly collaborative, an advanced interaction support technology that supports human behavior and cognition will be developed by collecting and structuring non-verbalized information, such as eye gaze, facial expressions, postures, and gestures, that indicates human behavior and changes situations in various fields, making it reusable in various settings.
(1-2) Advanced Multimodal Dialogue Technology
The aim of this technology is to enable highly intelligent multi-modal dialogues between human and machines. Particularly, it will enable not only scenario-based multimodal conversations but also flexible chitchat capabilities by leveraging the enormous amount of knowledge, and information accumulated on the internet. This technology utilizes a technology platform enabling advanced multimodal communication, as well as large-scale linguistic resources and deep learning technologies.
(1-3) Learning Support Technology
To evolve the relationship between school education and the stage of learning in the era of Society 5.0, we will make it possible to reproduce the experience and educational skills of experienced teachers using AI technology, and based on the evidence, aim for tailor-made learning that matches the characteristics of each individual (learner).
(1-4) Nursing Care Support Technology
By collecting, accumulating, and utilizing various data related to nursing care from the field and combining them with AI technology, we will develop a platform technology for nursing care that is effective in curbing social security costs and realize a platform for measuring effectiveness.
(2) Technology for Cross-sectional Data Federation
The objective of this topic is to realize distributed cross-sectional data linkage using technology for cross-sectional data federation (with the provisional name of “Connector”) that will organize and link various data infrastructures across multiple domains as well as mutually link the intra-domain data exchange platforms currently being constructed by individual ministries and agencies. By using Connector, data infrastructures scattered among the national and local governments and in the private sector can be organized and linked to treat them as Big Data for useful applications and services across multiple domains and organizations.
(3) AI based Automatic Negotiation Platform Technology
To realize an AI based automatic negotiation platform used by each of those AI that are managing and controlling the individual services not necessarily having common interests due to independent operation by different organizations, in order to cooperate and link with the other AI.
(4) Architecture Development
In order to realize Society 5.0, the architectures which will make mutual linkage easier among domains and companies will be developed by public-private partnership regime in the domains of the smart city and the personal data while both promoting verification projects utilizing AIs, big data and so on and collaborating the cross-sectional data federation project.
Refer to the following link for details:
Program director
- Yuichiro Anzai
Senior Advisor and Director of Center for Science Information Analysis Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - 1974 Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Engineering, Administration Engineering Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
1981 Carnegie Mellon University, Visiting assistant professor
1988 Keio University, Department of Science and Engineering, Professor
2001 President of Keio University (chairman and president)
2011 President of Society for the Promotion of Science
2016 Chairman of Strategic Council for AI Technology
2018 Chair of Council for Artificial Intelligence Strategy,
Member of U.N. High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation,
Chair of the Central Council for Education, Chair of its working group on universities,
Chairman of High School/University Connection System Conference,
Member of Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters of Cabinet Office,
Vice-chairman of Social Change by IT Committee of Japan Association of Corporate Executives,
Vice-chairman of Committee of Nation of Innovation based on Science and Technology, etc.
SIP Group, Robot and Artificial Intelligence Technology Department, NEDO
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Last Updated : February 5, 2021