Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) Second Phase: Intelligent Processing Infrastructure of Cyber and Physical Systems
February 5, 2020
This Program is promoted in collaboration with the Cabinet Office, Related Ministries and Agencies. This page provides information on research and development activities, events, and calls for proposals being carried out by NEDO regarding the program.
Research Summary
Advanced cyber-physical system (CPS) is the key factor for Japan to realize Society 5.0 vision. They collect, process, and utilize actual socio-economic data to improve the efficiency of social systems, create new industries, and increase intellectual productivity. This project is designed to address and solve technological issues related to the establishment of CPS and create a common edge computing platform that facilitates developing IoT solutions without any special expertise. The dissemination and utilization of an edge computing platform will solve Japan's social issues and promote economic development, thereby leading to the realization of Society 5.0 vision.
Research and development activities
I. Common edge computing platform technology to develop IoT solutions
The research and development will be carried out to develop a common edge computing platform that facilitates the creation and operation of IoT solutions without IT expertise. The platform will include technologies that collect an extensive amount of data by controlling sensors in physical space, digitize the collected data utilizing advanced AI technology, and accurately control smart devices in physical space in accordance with instructions sent through cyberspace.
II. Technologies for innovative sensors and low-energy IoT chips
Innovative sensors and low power IoT chips will be developed and commercialized. The innovative sensors are expected to be small, and available at low cost with unprecedented data collection capability. As a result, data processing will become possible at lower power consumption rate.
III. Technology to disseminate IoT devices for realizing Society 5.0
With the aim of realizing Society 5.0, technologies to disseminate IoT devices in society will be developed. These technologies will promote the introduction and use of robots and other IoT devices in manufacturing, production, nursing care, transportation and other services where such devices have not yet been fully introduced.
- Research and Development Plan (9.4MB)
- Overview (Excerpted from SIP Brochure, Cabinet office) (3.4MB)
Fig.1. Program Overview
Fig.2. Edge-computing platform's eco-system and business model (tentative)
What's NEW
Internet of Things (IoT) Promotion Department,
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)