Research and Development of a Multi-purpose and Multi-terminal HIGH Voltage Direct Current Transmission System (RIGHT Project)
Project overview
In Japan, where the distance between suitable locations for wind power generation and high-consumption areas is considerable, the introduction of renewable energy (renewables) is restricted due to transmission capacity constraints. It is crucial to introduce renewable energy by utilizing offshore and remote islands where wind conditions are favorable and location constraints are relatively low, and the direct current transmission system that can connect multiple points and transmit power over long distances is extremely effective.
This project aims to develop high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technologies by multiplexing direct current transmission lines from wind power generation, by ensuring proper protection control and power flow control for reliable and efficient transmission. Additionally, control technologies will be developed to use these direct current transmission lines for purposes such as interregional power supply. This not only contributes to the widespread adoption of wind power generation but also addresses the region's demand-supply balance, avoids the suppression of renewables, and enhances resilience. The project will define the technical requirements for achieving these goals.
We are developing the technology necessary for the development of DC power transmission systems from Hokkaido and other regions to large power consumption areas, as studies for such systems are accelerating.
Research and Development
R&D Item [1]: Development of Multi-Purpose Multi-Terminal HVDC Transmission System
NEDO will develop flow control technologies to effectively distribute wind power using a multi-terminalized direct current line, flow control technologies to transmit power from one alternating current system to another through a direct current line, and protection control technologies to minimize the impact in the event of an accident on some direct current lines by appropriately interrupting the current at specific sections. Additionally, NEDO will develop the upper-level control units necessary to implement these controls. In this development, NEDO will utilize actual equipment in part of the simulation to verify behaviors that cannot be replicated through digital simulations alone.
R&D Item [2]: Development of Protective Devices for Multi-Terminal Direct Current Power Transmission Systems
The development involves organizing specifications for rapid disconnection through simulations and proceeding with the actual device development.
R&D Item [3]: Development of Direct Current Submarine Cables
NEDO will develop deep-sea cables and laying methods that can be cost-effective and safe in deep-water regions.
R&D Item [4]: Development of Methods for Attaching Cable Protective Tubes and Laying Cables, As Well As the Foundational Technologies Development for New Cable Laying Vessels
NEDO will develop methods for attaching cable protective tubes, required in rocky areas, to enable lower costs. Additionally, we will establish specifications for the new cable laying vessel (including equipment), which address Japan-specific marine and weather conditions and handle cables from multiple companies, based on the basic design and technologies to be incorporated.
Conceptual illustration of a multi-purpose and multi-terminal direct current transmission system
Conceptual illustration of the new cable laying vessel
Project Leaders
- PL: NAKAJIMA Tatsuhito (Professor, Dr. Eng., Tokyo City University)
- SPL: SOGA Manabu ( Senior Group Manager, Power sector, Power transmission and Distribution group, NEWJEC, Inc.)
Basic information
Technical field |
Project code | P20001 |
Department in charge |
Last Updated : July 1, 2024