Project for Supporting the Introduction of Wind Power Generation
Project overview
The "Act on Promoting the Utilization of Sea Areas for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities," which went into effect on April 1, 2019, includes the formulation of a basic policy, designation of promotion areas, and establishment of a certification system for plans related to the occupation of sea areas within such areas, in order to promote the utilization of sea areas for the development of marine renewable energy power generation facilities that will occupy sea areas for a long time. It is believed that the maximum introduction and expansion of renewable energy will be achieved by establishing rules for use and developing an environment that facilitates smooth introduction of marine renewable energy.
The goal of this project is to collect necessary information and provide technological support to accelerate realization of practical application of offshore wind power generation while also contributing to increased wind power introduction and enhanced industrial competitiveness.
Offshore wind conditions map (NeoWins)
(Available only in Japanese)Offshore Wind Measurement Guidebook(6.0MB)
(Available only in Japanese)
Research and Development
R&D Item [2] Offshore Wind Farm Development Support Project
NEDO will conduct surveys worthy of installation and expanded introduction of offshore wind power generation facilities, including floating offshore wind power generation, in general offshore areas, and study methods to observe offshore wind conditions. In addition, NEDO will investigate natural condition in the actual sea area and consider the study area with the aim of utilizing for the revision of the offshore wind condition map.
(Left: Schematic diagram of wind condition observation from land area by dual scanning lidar for wind condition viewing, Right: View from directly above)
Outcome Target
R&D Item [2] Offshore Wind Farm Development Support Project
The project is expected to further reduce the cost of power generation by accelerating the practical application of offshore wind power generation and the development of related infrastructure. It is also expected that this will be reflected in the fixed purchase price for offshore wind power generation, thereby contributing to reducing the burden on the public.
Output Target
R&D Item [2] Offshore Wind Farm Development Support Project
NEDO will support surveys of wind condition and sea area related to the development of offshore wind farms, as well as provide detailed estimates of the project costs, operation and maintenance costs, etc. In addition, NEDO will analyze the data related to power generation costs and compile them into useful data that will contribute to the expanded introduction of offshore wind farms.
Project Process Control Chart
Basic information
Technical field |
Project code | P14023 |
Department in charge |
Last Updated : July 22, 2024