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Program to Develop and Promote the Commercialization of Energy Conservation Technologies to Realize a Decarbonized Society

Project overview

Project period: FY2021 to FY2035, budget: 6.0 billion yen (FY2024) (Including the previous program "Strategic Innovation Program for Energy Conservation Technologies" adopted portion.)

To achieve a decarbonized society by 2050, it is necessary to promote the development of innovative technologies that significantly improve energy efficiency across industries and continue to support their further dissemination and the development of new seed technologies. Therefore, in this project, NEDO aims to achieve sustainable energy efficiency compatible with economic growth. NEDO will focus on key technologies in various sectors such as industry, daily life (households and businesses), and transportation. NEDO will seamlessly support technology development up to commercialization for technologies expected to achieve significant energy savings by 2040, in line with the "Energy Conservation Technology Strategy" (Available only in Japanese).

Scheme Overview

  • Scheme Overview

* Images explaining each of the schemes: individual issue promotion scheme and priority issue promotion scheme

Research and Development

  Promotion Scheme for Individual Task Promotion Scheme for Key Task
Phase of
Conducting Feasibility Study
Phase of
Incubating Research
and Development
Phase of
Developing Practical Application
Phase of
Developing Verification
Overview The feasibility study for the project includes examination of business viability, development scenario formulation, and assessment of energy-saving effects.
Preliminary study for the application of the next phase and beyond.
Utilizing the technology seeds, formulate development and implementation scenarios, and conduct preliminary research for developing practical application and verificattion. Applied technologies development based on existing expertise. The target is to commercialize within three years after the completion of this development. Obtain verification data and overcome factors hindering commercialization, aiming to productize within two years after the completion of this development. Looking ahead to 2050, set themes for innovative technology development aimed at addressing common challenges within the industry and challenges spanning different industries. Encourage collaboration and cooperation among multiple businesses to tackle these themes and conduct technology development.
Maximum Cost
on technological
(Subsidy rate)
10 million yen per project per year
Subsidy rate: 3/4
20 million yen per project per year
Subsidy rate: 2/3 or 1/2
300 million yen per project per year
Subsidy rate: 2/3 or 1/2
500 million yen per project per year
Subsidy rate: 1/2 or 1/3
1 billion yen per project per year
Subsidy rate: 2/3 (Phase I), 1/2 (Phase II)
Project period Within one year Within two years Within 5 years
Initial subsidy period*2: 2 years or 3 years
Within 3 years
Initial subsidy period*2: 2 years
Within 5 years (Phase I) + Within 5 years (Phase II)
Initial subsidy period *2: 2 years or 3 years
Remarks   ・A combination of practical application and verification is mandatory ・Applying a cost-benefit analysis
・Applying a lower subsidy flat rate to large corporations
・Participation of two or more companies as subsidy recipients is a requirement
・Involvement of organizations, groups, and other entities that promote the dissemination of results is mandatory
  • *1: NEDO will provide a subsidy plus the implementer's share. NEDO subsidizes the amount excluding consumption tax (consumption tax is borne by the implementer)
  • *2: If planning a 3 to 5-year project, an interim evaluation by external experts will be conducted at the end of the initial subsidy period to determine whether to continue the project.

Adoption Results

In this project, support is provided for the development of a wide range of energy-saving technologies in the industrial sector, residential and commercial sector, transportation sector, energy conversion and supply sector, and cross-sector technologies such as innovative energy management technologies, power electronics, next-generation heat pump systems, and more.


Basic information

Technical field
  • Energy conservation
  • Cross-sectoral proposal-based activities
Project code P21005
Department in charge Energy Conservation Technology Department (TEL: +81-44-520-5180)

Last Updated : April 10, 2024